brandon = bhrandhan (madman)
tara = thara (floor) / tharav (duck)
i think james = jems(james) /yamiyaer(james) not yakob(jacob)
the c programming language = mal, the programming language
for all those who want to learn malayalam online ->
Your Friendly Malayalam Tutor
you cant get more mallu than your trendily frendily malayalam tudor.
he's the man who got me up and running in mal in about a month.
mallu shoutout. represent, monay, represent.
monay = literally son , kinda like homi, b, bro, nigga, maga(kannada)
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yo monay.. this site is funny and very.. hmm INtErEStInG.. keep it up pramodeeeee... i knw, sadly to this day i still dont know how to spell your name.. this is supposedly "anonymous" but i think u can guess who this is. I'll be leavin comments down the line..this will not be my last..
English words murdered by Keralites (Malayalees) and other Indians:
kangaroo (the worst offended word, Malayalees/Indians pronounce as “kanGAROO” instead of “KANgroo”)
mixed, fixed (pronounced as 'miksed', 'fiksed' instead of 'miksd', 'fiksd')
bear, pear, wear (pronounced as ‘biyar’, ‘piyar’, 'wiyer' instead of ‘beye’, ‘peye’, 'weye')
beer (pronounced as "biiir" instead of "biye")
auto (pronounced as "aaatto" instead of "otto")
Queen (prounounced as “kyuun” instead of “kween”)
form (pronounced as ‘farum’ instead of “fom”)
biennale (pronounced as “binale” instead of “bienale”)
place names – Ohio, Seattle, Utah (pronounced as “ohiyo, seetl, ootha” instead of “ohayo, siyatl, yuta”)
Tortoise (pronounced as ‘tortois’ instead of “totis” )
turtle (pronounced as ‘turrrtil’ instead of “tutl” )
Mascot Hotel (pronounced as “muskut HOtel” instead of “MAScot hoTEL”)
heart (pronounced as ‘hurrt’ instead of “haat”)
bass (pronounced as ‘baas’ instead of “beis”)
twitter (pronounced as “tyooter” instead of “twiter”)
birthday (pronounced as “birthaday” instead of “buthdei”)
garage (pronounced as “garej” instead of “gaRAZH/gaRAJ”)
chassis (pronounced as “chasis” instead of “shasi”)
divorce (pronounced as "daiverse" instead of "divors")
February (pronounced as “fibruari” instead of “februari”)
November (pronuonced as "NOVember" instead of "noVEMber"
one (pronounced as "onn" instead of "wun")
pizza (pronounced as "pisa" instead of "pitza")
our (pronounced as "avar" instead of "aue")
flour (pronounced as "flower" instead of "flaue")
alarm (pronounced as "alarum" instead of "alaam")
volume (books) (pronounced as "vaalyam' instead of "volyum")
film (pronounced as "filim" instead of 'film')
little (pronounced as "littil" instead of 'litl')
Sultan's Battery (pronounced as "Soolthan Batheri" instead of "Sultan's Batri")
Karl Marx (malayalees pronounce as 'karrrel maarrks" instead of 'kaal maaks'
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